Send It Sunday

Sunday is the Sabbath and the day we are reminded that our life is a gift from Him. So on Sunday we challenge you to be intentional about living a Full Send life in your community as you shine the light of Jesus everywhere you go!
Full Send Challenge

God tells us as far as it is up to us to live in unity and peace with everyone. Let’s not end this year without extending peace in all of those relationships that we have been at war for too long. Take that first step today and don’t let a moment pass you buy! #FullSendPeace

Past Challenges

Let’s Full Send today and share what God has done in our lives this week through the topic of Surrender. Make sure you share a story with someone during fellowship time, on social media, on a phone call or just a face to face conversation about how God moved in your life this week and how you learned how to surrender more to Him!
We serve an amazing God! Make sure to tell someone a testimony of what you saw God do this week! I would love to hear your stories as well! Let's Full Send with his good news today to everyone we meet!
Celebrate with others where you found freedom from temptation/sin this week through the power of Jesus Christ and the leading of His Spirit
Share a testimony with someone about what God did this week in your life. Share a story about how God helped you resist the devil or how you drew near to God and felt his presence. Share a story about a conversation you had about eternity and how our days are not guaranteed on earth. Share a story of how God brought reconciliation into a relationship this week! Give all glory to God for He is worthy of all praise!
This has been another eye opening week! Share with someone else what you learned about honoring God and the Sabbath and how you have put that into practice.
Use one of the tools this week with an unbeliever.  Share with them what you learned through the process and invite them to join you each week in using these daily tools.
There is no better day to share Jesus with someone than today! Maybe it is someone in your family or maybe it is a neighbor or friend that you need to text or call today!
Today we declare the glory of the Lord. We are 1 week removed from Easter, but everyday we live in the truth of Easter so let’s declare that to others today.  Share a testimony of how God moved in your life this week. Also share prayer requests with a fellow believer and pray for each other as you go into another week!
Assuming that Jesus has not returned it is a great day to declare that He will return one day and He is coming to take us home to be with Him in heaven.  Share that good news with someone today!
It’s time to dip your toe in the water of evangelism and share the message you heard at church today with a nonbeliever.  Share the true gospel that is all about Jesus and nothing about our actions. Use your story as an example of what God can do.
We are starting to make ripples with our faith this summer. That means you have to jump in and make a splash.  This will require an intentional conversation about what God taught you this week or in the message today.  The more you do it the less awkward it will be.  We all need to start somewhere.
If you haven’t shared the story of Jesus with someone this week take time to talk about the story of Jesus with your mom on this Mother’s Day!!
Did you know that living Fully Sent for Jesus takes effort and intentionality.  Today I want you to intentionally invest in the spiritual life of someone.  Whether that is sharing the gospel with someone who doesn’t know Jesus or studying the word of God with someone who already knows.
We are 8 months away from Full Send 2024 on January 26-28.  Tell someone a story from 2023 or why you are excited to attend Full Send 2024.
The ripples have started in the pools and the lakes, make sure that the ripples are also happening in the lives of others because of your faith.  Keep sharing your faith story and the story of Jesus while listening to the faith stories of others!
Today is the day! Pray that God would open up the door for you to share the gospel with and unbeliever or that He would open the door for you to disciple a believer into a deeper relationship with Him. Be intentional and Fully Send in your faith today!
The Sabbath is the Lord’s Day.  Make sure to use this day to glorify Him in worship, service, and helping others grow closer to Him!
This week we have talked about unity and peace that only come through Jesus Christ. Share that beautiful truth with someone today who is struggling with division and chaos in their lives.
We have spent the week seeking to understand the love of God more.  We also learned that to live in the love of God we must actively meet the needs of others. Bless someone today with an act of love and then share why you did it.  Jesus loves you so show that love to others!
We live in a world that is filled with people who are numb to sin. May the witness of our life in Christ show them what it looks like to be set free from that numbness.  Live a new life in Christ today and use your words to tell people why you live that way!
A fully sent life is a life of sacrifice. This week we learned the art of submission and how Jesus gave everything up for us and so I encourage you to surrender it all to him today and submit completely.  Give all control to God and then go in the power of the Spirit to be His witness in your home, your neighborhood, your church, your workplace, your school, your sports team and beyond. Let’s light up this dark world with the true love of Jesus!
Yesterday you prayed to be bold and fearless with the gospel. Today is the day to put that into practice as you engage with people.  Remember to make the most of every opportunity!
This week in Philippians 1 we have heard things like “Be pure and blameless”, “Be filled with the fruit of righteousness”, “Be much more bold to speak the word without fear”, and “If I am alive in the flesh that means fruitful labor for me.”  Sounds like we are being told to live Fully Sent and so let’s imitate God by living this way and celebrate the fruit that God provides!
Remember to put the needs of others before you own today and there is no greater need than to know Jesus as Savior! Let's live a Full Send life today and hold out the word of God to those who need it without fear or worry of how they will respond. We are called to be faithful to God and he will take care of the rest!
I want you to Full Send it on your knees today as you pray for the specific people in your life that live for this world and not for Jesus.  Pray that God would open the door for conversation and open their heart to His truth and then faithfully watch for God to open that door and use you to share the good news. Do not make excuses but strive to further His kingdom on this earth!
As Paul said in this passage it is time to put this lifestyle into practice. With your mind focused on God I encourage you to go into your world this week with rejoices, filled with contentment and boldly proclaiming why those things are true for you. For it is only through Christ who strengthens us that it is possible.
This week we learned of how Paul remained faithful no matter what happened to him.  He truly lived his life fully sent without worry of failing and suffering.  Let’s live by his example today as we live a life worthy of the Lord!
Colossians 2 is a reminder of why it is so important to live a Full Send life for Jesus.  There are empty and deceitful philosophies of this world that are trying to drag people away from the truth and the judgement of the self-righteous and the unbelieving are trying to stop believers in their tracks. Stand firm in the strength of the Lord this week against these things and help others find freedom in the truth!
Colossians 3 and 4 have so much about a full send life. First, kill the sinful desires and then put on the new clothes of holiness and righteousness and go out in prayer to live faithful lives for Jesus Christ. Let your life lead with the gospel and may your mouth proclaim it this week as a confirmation.
We’ve talked about sharing the word of God all week. Take time today to help someone grow closer to God, whether that is sharing the gospel with them or discipling them to a deeper faith.  In whatever you do sow the word of God far and wide and tend to the soil so that growth can happen.
It’s another week of sowing, tending and praying.  Take time today to pray for those in your life no matter what stage of faith they are in. After prayer take time to invest in the life of someone else as you speak the truth of God’s word in conversation. Finally, share Jesus with someone who needs to know Him!
I am reminded that the growing seeds of the enemy are all around us. Don’t be discouraged or lose heart today for the king will come and harvest his crop! Today I challenge you to life a Full Send life by standing up for what is right and living a holy life for Jesus.
None of us know where we are in our work day in the kingdom of God, but regardless if it is the 11 th hour or the 4th hour I encourage you to work boldly in the field of the Kingdom of God today. Who is God putting in your path today so you can sow the seed of His word? Who is He putting your path to tend the soil and encourage faith growth? You are hired by God, let’s be faithful workers today!
If you haven’t worked in the harvest field this week make sure to do it today.   Don’t miss out on a fully ready person who needs someone like you to share the good news with them today.  God is inviting you into this time of harvest so be available and willing to serve in His field today.
Living Full Send for Jesus is not easy, but today I want you to take a risk.  Either help a fellow believer out of their sin or help a non believer find freedom in Christ.  What’s there to lose?  We only have so many days in this world so let’s make the most of each of them.
The kingdom of God continues to grow day by day. What part is God inviting you to play today in His kingdom. Take some time today to strengthen a believer or share the good news of the gospel with an unbeliever. Let’s strengthen and expand the kingdom of God in the power of the Spirit today!
If you know someone who is not ready for the return of Jesus make sure you talk to them today. We never know the day or the hour and we would not want to miss an opportunity
This week is all about producing fruit. Make sure today people can clearly see the fruit of Jesus in your life. Go and apologize to someone you hurt, forgive someone who hurt you, share the joy and peace of Jesus with someone who hasn’t experienced it or help your family be producer of the fruit of the kingdom as you talk about how to live this life to the fullest in Christ. Let’s be 100% committed today
The word that sticks out to me this week is ALL and it reminds me of a Full Send Life. Today Let’s remember to intentionally live Fully Sent, 100% Committed to God, with our time, talents and treasures. I’m looking forward to hearing the stories that happen when you surrender 100% of you to God!
I don’t know about you, but my heart breaks for the branches that are disconnected from God. They try to produce temporary fruit on their own, but nothing that will last. We know how to experience fruit that will last, take a moment today and share the truth of Jesus with the person God puts on your heart.
If you know someone in your life that needs to be rescued by Jesus Christ I invite you to join Him on rescue mission right now and share and show the love and salvation of Jesus to them. No one knows how much time they have left and it may be that they are just moments from being rescued! Let’s Go!
Jesus came to renew your heart and mind and to help us understand what true love is.  Our world needs to experience the true love of Jesus today and you and I are part of bringing His kingdom here on earth.  Let’s go live in the love of Jesus Christ today!
Joy is a natural response in the life of a believer. Go out this week naturally expressing joy no matter what is happening. When we are 100% committed to Jesus Christ Joy can’t help but explode from our lives and leave others wondering why we live like that.
God tells us as far as it is up to us to live in unity and peace with everyone. Let’s not end this year without extending peace in all of those relationships that we have been at war for too long. Take that first step today and don’t let a moment pass you buy! #FullSendPeace