How it all started...
In October 2022 a group of four guys met for a men's Bible study and the topic of the night was standing firm in your faith. We all realized that doing that is much easier said than done. From then on it was clear that something needed to be done to help believers stand firm on the truth that they know and proclaim

Expanding the vision...
The first step was to create a conference that would bring people together who desired to be Equipped, Empowered and Encouraged to live Fully Sent lives for Jesus. Full Send means to do something with 100% commitment regardless of the possibility of failure or the fear that comes with that. Over 200 people gathered that cold and snowy January weekend to be sent into the world.
Where we are headed...
Soon after the January conference we started sending out daily tools that would help people grow in their faith and go with their faith. The 7 tools are as follows:
Memorize Monday - Memorize 1 verse a week (Grow)
Table Talk Tuesday - Easy questions to get into conversations, a scripture that goes with the questions and a truth that comes from that scripture (Go)
Watch It Wednesday - A teaching to help us understand scripture more (Grow)
Tune In Thursday - A couple of songs that proclaim the truth of Jesus (Grow)
Fun Friday - A challenge to go have God honoring fun and grow in relationships with others (Go)
Seek Him Saturday - A challenge to pray scripture (Grow)
Send It Sunday - A challenge to live Fully Sent with the truths of the week for the glory of God (Go)
The team at Full Send Ministry is also working on weekly content that is specifically focused on different demographics and how to help them live Fully Sent in their context. (Students, Singles, Parents, Retirees, Men, and Women,)
Memorize Monday - Memorize 1 verse a week (Grow)
Table Talk Tuesday - Easy questions to get into conversations, a scripture that goes with the questions and a truth that comes from that scripture (Go)
Watch It Wednesday - A teaching to help us understand scripture more (Grow)
Tune In Thursday - A couple of songs that proclaim the truth of Jesus (Grow)
Fun Friday - A challenge to go have God honoring fun and grow in relationships with others (Go)
Seek Him Saturday - A challenge to pray scripture (Grow)
Send It Sunday - A challenge to live Fully Sent with the truths of the week for the glory of God (Go)
The team at Full Send Ministry is also working on weekly content that is specifically focused on different demographics and how to help them live Fully Sent in their context. (Students, Singles, Parents, Retirees, Men, and Women,)