Seek Him Saturday

On Saturday we work on connecting with God personally as we pray through a scripture passage. Join us in speaking the words of God back to Him in our quiet time today.
January 4
Pray Matthew 16:24-26 and pray for the ability to deny yourself and take up the cross of Christ daily. Pray for the willingness to lose your life and find it in Christ.
Pray Matthew 16:24-26 and pray for the ability to deny yourself and take up the cross of Christ daily. Pray for the willingness to lose your life and find it in Christ.
Past Prayers
January 6
Pray through Philippians 1:9-11. This is an amazing prayer for fellow Christians. Put it on repeat in your heart and mind this weekend!
Pray through Philippians 1:9-11. This is an amazing prayer for fellow Christians. Put it on repeat in your heart and mind this weekend!
January 13
Pray through 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. Lord I know that the truth of the gospel is written on my heart and I pray that you will help me to have it written on every action I take and every word I say.
Pray through 2 Corinthians 3:2-3. Lord I know that the truth of the gospel is written on my heart and I pray that you will help me to have it written on every action I take and every word I say.
January 20
Pray through Acts 19:8-10 Lord help me to speak boldly like Paul did and invite others to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ!
Pray through Acts 19:8-10 Lord help me to speak boldly like Paul did and invite others to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ!
January 27
Pray through John 21:15-17. Yes Lord I love You, Yes Lord I will feed Your lambs. Yes Lord I love You, Yes Lord I will tend Your sheep. Yes Lord I love You, Yes Lord I will feed Your sheep!
Pray through John 21:15-17. Yes Lord I love You, Yes Lord I will feed Your lambs. Yes Lord I love You, Yes Lord I will tend Your sheep. Yes Lord I love You, Yes Lord I will feed Your sheep!
February 3
Pray through Romans 10:14-17 today. Lord, send me. Lord I will go and speak for you. Lord open the ears of those who hear. Lord help them to believe as they hear Your truth!
Pray through Romans 10:14-17 today. Lord, send me. Lord I will go and speak for you. Lord open the ears of those who hear. Lord help them to believe as they hear Your truth!
February 10
Pray through John 15:5 Lord, you are the vine and we are the branches. Help us to remain in you and please remain in us so that we can bear much fruit for the kingdom. We know we are fruitless without You.
Pray through John 15:5 Lord, you are the vine and we are the branches. Help us to remain in you and please remain in us so that we can bear much fruit for the kingdom. We know we are fruitless without You.
February 17
Pray through Matthew 6:31-34. Lord we cast all our anxieties on you. Lord, help us to now be worried about things and schedules, but teach us to fully rely on You and trust that You will provide everything we need in this world.
Pray through Matthew 6:31-34. Lord we cast all our anxieties on you. Lord, help us to now be worried about things and schedules, but teach us to fully rely on You and trust that You will provide everything we need in this world.
February 24
Pray through Psalm 51 today. You can pray through as much or as little as you want, but declare these things from your heart to his just as King David humbly came before Jesus!
Pray through Psalm 51 today. You can pray through as much or as little as you want, but declare these things from your heart to his just as King David humbly came before Jesus!
March 2
Pray Romans 12:14-21 over your enemies today. Pray it from your heart over and over and ask God to give you eyes to see them like He does!
Pray Romans 12:14-21 over your enemies today. Pray it from your heart over and over and ask God to give you eyes to see them like He does!
March 9
Today I invite you to name the places of hurt and sorrow in your life as you pray Ruth 1:20-21.
Today I invite you to name the places of hurt and sorrow in your life as you pray Ruth 1:20-21.
March 16
Today I invite you to spend time giving praise to God for the people in your life that have shown you kindness and helped in difficult situations as you pray Ruth 2:20
Today I invite you to spend time giving praise to God for the people in your life that have shown you kindness and helped in difficult situations as you pray Ruth 2:20
March 23
Today I invite you to pray the short verse of Ruth 3:5. It simply says, I will do whatever you say. I know in the context Ruth is being obedient to Naomi, but may this be our hearts prayer to God to be obedient to whatever he says
Today I invite you to pray the short verse of Ruth 3:5. It simply says, I will do whatever you say. I know in the context Ruth is being obedient to Naomi, but may this be our hearts prayer to God to be obedient to whatever he says
March 30
Today I invite you to pray the short verse of Luke 22:40. Lord, help us not fall into temptation. This world is full of temptation, I pray that you will help us fix our eyes on you and stand strong against anything that comes against us.
Today I invite you to pray the short verse of Luke 22:40. Lord, help us not fall into temptation. This world is full of temptation, I pray that you will help us fix our eyes on you and stand strong against anything that comes against us.
April 6
As you end this week I encourage you to pray the verse we memorized on Monday, Ruth 4:14. Thank you God that you did not leave us without a redeemer!
As you end this week I encourage you to pray the verse we memorized on Monday, Ruth 4:14. Thank you God that you did not leave us without a redeemer!
April 13
Today take some time and pray through Acts 9:13-15. During this prayer ask Jesus to give you His eyes for the people around you. You can honestly share Him with the people in your life that seem too far gone and possibly scary to talk to about Jesus.
Today take some time and pray through Acts 9:13-15. During this prayer ask Jesus to give you His eyes for the people around you. You can honestly share Him with the people in your life that seem too far gone and possibly scary to talk to about Jesus.
April 20
Pray through Acts 8:35 today and ask God to open your mouth to explain His Scripture to those around you that may not know it.
Pray through Acts 8:35 today and ask God to open your mouth to explain His Scripture to those around you that may not know it.
April 27
Pray through Acts 2:46-47 today. Pray for the opportunity to gather daily with fellow believers, give thanks to God and that the number of believers would be added to daily.
Pray through Acts 2:46-47 today. Pray for the opportunity to gather daily with fellow believers, give thanks to God and that the number of believers would be added to daily.
May 4
Let’s pray for the boldness to work on the mission that God has for the church. Pray Acts 4:29-31 today and go out boldly in His name!
Let’s pray for the boldness to work on the mission that God has for the church. Pray Acts 4:29-31 today and go out boldly in His name!
May 11
This morning I urge you to call out to God and ask if there is anything within you that needs to change as you pray through Jonah 1:6.
This morning I urge you to call out to God and ask if there is anything within you that needs to change as you pray through Jonah 1:6.
May 18
The majority of Jonah 2 is a prayer. I invite you to pray the whole chapter or pick a few verses that connect with you today and pray them back to God!
The majority of Jonah 2 is a prayer. I invite you to pray the whole chapter or pick a few verses that connect with you today and pray them back to God!
May 25
From the bottom of your heart pray Jonah 3:8-9. Confess your sins before the Holy God and receive His grace and forgiveness!
From the bottom of your heart pray Jonah 3:8-9. Confess your sins before the Holy God and receive His grace and forgiveness!
June 1
Take time to pray through Jonah 4:6 today and give thanks to God for everything that He has provided for you!
Take time to pray through Jonah 4:6 today and give thanks to God for everything that He has provided for you!
June 8
Today I invite you pray through Psalm 119:145-52 and know that God hears and is with you!
Today I invite you pray through Psalm 119:145-52 and know that God hears and is with you!
June 15
This week I encourage you to practice the breathing prayer that Brad shared with us this week throughout the chapter of 136. Add your own highs and lows of life and declare the faithful love of God endures forever!
This week I encourage you to practice the breathing prayer that Brad shared with us this week throughout the chapter of 136. Add your own highs and lows of life and declare the faithful love of God endures forever!
June 22
Open up to Psalm 13 and pray this prayer to God today!
Open up to Psalm 13 and pray this prayer to God today!
June 29
Let’s pray the two phrases in Psalm 2:11 today as we verbalize our honor and reverence for God as King!
Let’s pray the two phrases in Psalm 2:11 today as we verbalize our honor and reverence for God as King!
July 6
Let’s pray the two phrases in Psalm 121:3-6 today as we remember the Lord keeps us and never sleeps. He is always watching over us
Let’s pray the two phrases in Psalm 121:3-6 today as we remember the Lord keeps us and never sleeps. He is always watching over us
July 13
Spend time praying through Genesis 1 and 2 and give praise to God for all that He has made!
Spend time praying through Genesis 1 and 2 and give praise to God for all that He has made!
July 20
Spend time praying through Genesis 3. Pray against temptation, ability to receive correction where you have sinned and a thankfulness to God for providing a covering for your sin.
Spend time praying through Genesis 3. Pray against temptation, ability to receive correction where you have sinned and a thankfulness to God for providing a covering for your sin.
July 27
Spend time praying through Genesis 12:1-4 and listen for where God is calling you and then
faithfully do what He says!
Spend time praying through Genesis 12:1-4 and listen for where God is calling you and then
faithfully do what He says!
August 3
Spend time praying through Genesis 50:19-21. Remember you are not in the place of God to judge, but you are in the place to extend forgiveness and grace.
Spend time praying through Genesis 50:19-21. Remember you are not in the place of God to judge, but you are in the place to extend forgiveness and grace.
August 10
Pray Revelation 3:8 to God, thanking Him for the open door of salvation before you and ask
for the strength to hold tight to His word and to not deny His name!
Pray Revelation 3:8 to God, thanking Him for the open door of salvation before you and ask
for the strength to hold tight to His word and to not deny His name!
August 17
Pray Revelation 2:18-29 to God, praying against tolerance of evil, hold on to the truth and
overcome until the end.
Pray Revelation 2:18-29 to God, praying against tolerance of evil, hold on to the truth and
overcome until the end.
August 24
Pray Revelation 3:1-3. Ask God to show you where you are dead and ask for the Spirit to wake you up!
Pray Revelation 3:1-3. Ask God to show you where you are dead and ask for the Spirit to wake you up!
August 31
Pray Revelation 22:1-5 and sit in awe of God and what He has prepared for us!
Pray Revelation 22:1-5 and sit in awe of God and what He has prepared for us!
September 7
Pray Isaiah 2:6-8 and honestly confess the things of this world that you have allowed to be a part of your life.
Pray Isaiah 2:6-8 and honestly confess the things of this world that you have allowed to be a part of your life.
September 14
Pray Isaiah 6:9-10 and ask God to open your eyes and ears where they have been closed so that you can hear His message for you!
Pray Isaiah 6:9-10 and ask God to open your eyes and ears where they have been closed so that you can hear His message for you!
September 21
Pray Isaiah 9:2 today and thank God for sending His son and pray for those in darkness to see the light of Jesus Christ!
Pray Isaiah 9:2 today and thank God for sending His son and pray for those in darkness to see the light of Jesus Christ!
September 28
Pray Isaiah 53:11 and thank Jesus for His willing sacrifice in our place and thank God for making us right with Him through Jesus!
Pray Isaiah 53:11 and thank Jesus for His willing sacrifice in our place and thank God for making us right with Him through Jesus!
October 5
Pray Isaiah 60:19-20 and 65:17 and thank God for the coming glory in heaven.
Pray Isaiah 60:19-20 and 65:17 and thank God for the coming glory in heaven.
October 12
Pray Romans 7:15-25 and spend time genuinely confessing before God and declaring thanks to Him for your salvation in Jesus.
Pray Romans 7:15-25 and spend time genuinely confessing before God and declaring thanks to Him for your salvation in Jesus.
October 19
Pray Romans 8:18-25. Give thanks to God for whatever situation you find yourself in and rest in the peace and hope that not only we, but the whole world has in Christ Jesus.
Pray Romans 8:18-25. Give thanks to God for whatever situation you find yourself in and rest in the peace and hope that not only we, but the whole world has in Christ Jesus.
October 26
Pray Romans 12:9-21. Spend time thanking God and asking for the ability to live a life pleasing to God that loves others.
Pray Romans 12:9-21. Spend time thanking God and asking for the ability to live a life pleasing to God that loves others.
November 2
Pray Romans 13:1-7. Remember God is in control and thank Him for the government we do have.
Pray Romans 13:1-7. Remember God is in control and thank Him for the government we do have.
November 9
Pray Exodus 6:1-8 and thank Him for revealing Himself to us. Thank Him for remembering His people and delivering us from slavery to our sins.
Pray Exodus 6:1-8 and thank Him for revealing Himself to us. Thank Him for remembering His people and delivering us from slavery to our sins.
November 16
Pray Psalm 19:7-11 and thank God for giving us His law as direction and praise Him because He is perfect and will never change.
Pray Psalm 19:7-11 and thank God for giving us His law as direction and praise Him because He is perfect and will never change.
November 23
Pray Exodus 23:21-26 and ask God to help you be obedient, thank Him for His blessings and for His direction out of temptation.
Pray Exodus 23:21-26 and ask God to help you be obedient, thank Him for His blessings and for His direction out of temptation.
November 30
Pray Exodus 40:1-2, 16 and recount what God called you to do and your faithfulness to that call.
Pray Exodus 40:1-2, 16 and recount what God called you to do and your faithfulness to that call.
December 7
Pray Matthew 28:16-20 and praise Him for defeating death and coming back to be with us until the end of the age. Thank Him for inviting us into His work of sharing this hope with others.
Pray Matthew 28:16-20 and praise Him for defeating death and coming back to be with us until the end of the age. Thank Him for inviting us into His work of sharing this hope with others.
December 14
Pray Matthew 11:25-30 and thank God for giving us rest. Picture handing your burdens to Jesus as you name each one.
Pray Matthew 11:25-30 and thank God for giving us rest. Picture handing your burdens to Jesus as you name each one.
December 21
Pray Matthew 13:44-46 and be filled with Joy that Jesus Christ spent everything to buy us for eternity.
Pray Matthew 13:44-46 and be filled with Joy that Jesus Christ spent everything to buy us for eternity.
December 28
Pray Matthew 5:46-48 and pray for a heart to show love to all people. Pray for the ability to love others as God loves you.
Pray Matthew 5:46-48 and pray for a heart to show love to all people. Pray for the ability to love others as God loves you.
January 4
Pray Matthew 16:24-26 and pray for the ability to deny yourself and take up the cross of Christ daily. Pray for the willingness to lose your life and find it in Christ.
Pray Matthew 16:24-26 and pray for the ability to deny yourself and take up the cross of Christ daily. Pray for the willingness to lose your life and find it in Christ.