Seek Him Saturday

On Saturday we work on connecting with God personally as we pray through a scripture passage. Join us in speaking the words of God back to Him in our quiet time today.
Pray through Matthew 5:14-16 Lord your light shines through me so help me to be your light in this dark world and pass it on so that more of this world can experience the beauty of your light, love and peace! 

Past Prayers

Today you are encouraged to seek God in prayer by praying Scripture. I invite you to pray Haggai 2:9 over and over. There are 2 things that stick out to me in this passage. First, is that we should pray for the glory of the Lord in our lives (His temple) and that His glory is reflected in our lives. Second, that we would experience His peace in all areas of our lives. Peace often comes as surrender happens.
Pray for His glory and peace today, for yourselves and those around you.
Pray through 1 Timothy 4:16
Lord help me to watch my actions and my words closely. May everything I do and say honor you. Show me how to do this constantly to grow my own faith and help others see you
Pray through Matthew 4:4 today. Lord help us to know that we do not live on …. Alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. God I surrender the desires of the flesh and find fulfillment in your truth alone!
Pray through James 4:9-10 today
Lord teach me to mourn over my sin instead of justify. Lord teach me how to humble myself before you and experience your grace and mercy. Lord create in me a clean heart and renew a right Spirit within me.
Today please pray through Isaiah 58:13-14.
Lord help me to turn away from my desires on the Sabbath and turn to delighting in You! Teach me to honor the Sabbath by seeking you and following your desires.
Send It Sunday:
This has been another eye opening week! Share with someone else what you learned about honoring God and the Sabbath and how you have put that into practice.
Today I invite you to pray through Mark 8:34 Lord teach me how to deny myself and take up the cross for you everyday.
Pray through Romans 5:8. God thank you so much for sending your Son to die for me! I admit Lord that I don’t understand why you loved me so much that while I was fighting against you paid it all for me. Thank you is not near enough! I give my life in service to you!
Pray through John 20:24-28.  Lord break down the barriers of my unbelief.  Lead me God to confess My Lord and My God!
Spend time praying through 2 Peter 3:11.  Lord help me to live a fully sent life that is holy and godly.
Pray through Acts 1:8 today.  Lord I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will lead me to be your witness everywhere I go.  Lord help me to see everyone as the neighbor I have been called to love and care for.
Pray through Galatians 1:24. God I pray that my life reflects you in such faithfulness and obedience that others glorify you because of me.  Lord when people look at me may they see only you!
Pray through Galatians 2:11 today.  Lord help me to gently and boldly hold my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ accountable to the truth of the whole gospel.  Lord I pray that I would also receive the accountability that is given in my life.  All of this Lord so that we do not present a tainted gospel!
Pray through Galatians 3:26-27 this week. Lord we praise you for making us children of God! Thank you so much for your death and resurrection!  May we live each day clothed in your righteousness!
Pray through Galatians 4:16 today. Lord I surrender before you and I ask you to remove anything in me that is not from you.  Lord help me to receive your correction and give you praise for loving me enough to point me in the right direction.
Pray Galatians 5:13 today. Lord help me to use my freedom in you to love and serve others well.  Show me any place where I have used my freedom to live a self centered life that doesn’t honor you.
Today I encourage you to pray through Galatians 6:4. Lord help me to test my thoughts, actions and words through the truth of the Scripture. If there is anything that is not from you please help me to remove those things from my life for Your glory!
This one is easy this week. Pray the prayer that Paul prayed in Ephesians 1:16-21. Take time today to read over and over the powerful prayer that Paul prayed over the Ephesians and that we can pray for each other today!
Pray through Ephesians 2:20. Lord help me to build my life on your truth. I want to be firmly founded on Jesus Christ in everything I say and do.
I encourage you to pray through Ephesians 3:11-13 and Ephesians 3:14-19.  Lord thank you for giving us access to come into your presence in prayer. Lord may we be confident as we approach your throne knowing that you hear us and will answer us. In good times and bad times you invite us to be authentic  before you for you love us.  Lord strengthen us in our inner beings by the power of your Spirit so that we can start to understand more and more about your love!
Pray through Ephesians 4:17-19. Lord I pray that we will no longer live in the numbness of our sin and the deception of our desires. Lord through Christ we are no longer separated from you and help us to live daily in that truth without the desire to go back to our old worn out way of life.
Pray through Ephesians 5:19-20 today! Lord we give you thanks for everything! You are a good, good Father and you have provided all we need in Christ alone and so we surrender all to you today!
Pray through Ephesians 6:19-20 today. Lord help us to speak your truth every time we open our mouths. I pray that you will give mt he words so that I won’t use any excuses of my ability, but fearlessly proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Pray through Philippians 1:9-11.  Lord I pray that your love may abound more and more  in my life and that I will live in knowledge and discernment so that I can be pure and blameless and filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Christ. Lord may you be praised!
Seek God in prayer today through Philippians 2:21. Lord I pray that we will not seek our own interests today, but only the interests of God. Teach me Lord to be humble and always live to honor you and not myself.
Today let’s pray through Philippians 3:7-8. Heavenly Father help me to consider everything as loss compared to knowing you.  Lord nothing compares to the freedom we receive in you. Thank you for your salvation and help me to live faithfully all the days of my life!
Today let’s pray through Philippians 4:12. God I pray that as I focus on you that you will help me learn how to be content in all situations. Lord it is only through your strength that I can see that no matter what my circumstance is that I have all I need in you. Amen!
Pray through Colossians 1:9-12 today. Plug in your name, the names of those in your family, or anyone else as you approach the throne of God!
Pray through Colossians 2:2-3 today. Lord I pray that you will encourage our hearts, knit us together in love and help us understand fully the riches of the assurance that is found in Jesus Christ. Amen.
Pray through Colossians 4:2-4 today. Lord, I pray that you will open a door for Your message, so that ___ may proclaim the mystery of Christ. I pray that ___ may proclaim it clearly as they should. Lord help ___ to be wise in the way they act toward outsiders and may they make the most of every opportunity.  Let their conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that they may know how to answer everyone. Amen.
Pray through Matthew23:4-9 today.  Lord I pray for the soil of my heart as I receive your word, I pray for the soil of the hearts of my friends and I pray that you will help me to sow the word with boldness.
Pray through Romans 6:6 today.  Lord, we pray that your Spirit within us helps us to live a life free from the bondage of sin that we gain because of the death and resurrection of Jesus. We cast off our old self and put on our new self in you. Praise be to God!
Pray through Matthew 13:24-25. Lord we pray that your seeds will find good soil to grow in and we pray against the fruitfulness of the enemies seeds. God we pray that your kingdom will expand and grow and produce fruit.
Pray through Matthew 20:10-11. Lord show us where we grumble and think things are unfair and remove those thoughts and feelings from our hearts. Lord teach us to be thankful for your blessings and to live in a Spirit of gratitude!
Pray through Matthew 21:33. Lord we thank you for your provision in our lives. Thank you for the protection you have given to us and the purpose you have given to us. May we live in those truths boldly for your kingdom!
Pray through Luke 10:3. God I pray that you will help me to be a person  of peace in this world and that you would walk with me amongst the wolves.
Pray through Luke 15:2 and ask God to give you a heart of compassion and grace rather than a heart of grumbling and judgement.
Pray through 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Lord teach me to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and give thanks at all times!
Pray through Mark 13:19-23. Pray for strength in tribulation, wisdom to hold to the truth of the word of God and boldness to stand up for Jesus
Pray through Luke 13:8-9 and pray that people would truly experience the Living Water and start producing fruit for the Kingdom!
Pray through Matthew 13:44. God thank you for creating us and for seeing us as a masterpiece. Thank you for sending Your Son to be an atoning sacrifice for our sins and cleansing us. In response we surrender all that we are to you!
Pray through John 15:8 Lord may you be glorified in my life that is faithfully following You. Lord I pray that as I dwell with you that others will see clearly that I am a disciple of Yours!
Pray through John 3:16 Thank you God for loving us so much to send your Son Jesus from heaven to earth so that we may be rescued from our eternal darkness and brought into eternal light!
Pray through Romans 12:1 today. Lord teach me what it means to be a living sacrifice in the light of your great mercy.
Pray through Hebrews 12:7-10 Lord may we receive your correction as an act of love and may we endure through the discipline and become better connected to You and Your truth.
Pray through Matthew 5:14-16 Lord your light shines through me so help me to be your light in this dark world and pass it on so that more of this world can experience the beauty of your light, love and peace!