Fun Friday

People love to have fun and  in our times of fun we can shine the light of Jesus.  The goal of these weekly activities is to create relationships and opportunities to show the gospel of Jesus in our actions and our words.
This Friday's activity:
February 7

Instead of just one activity for today I challenge you to do this practice all day long. During your work/school day I challenge you to ask people how you can pray for them and then passionately pray like Hannah did right on the spot. After work/school I challenge you to ask the people you are around during the evening the same question.

Past Activities

January 10

Who can you “adopt” for the day or evening? Invite someone to join you for a meal and talk about the being adopted as sons and daughter of God and what that means. Invite them to be adopted by God if they have not already been.
January 17

Today spend time working together with someone towards a goal. This could be a puzzle, an escape room, or maybe a large bowl of ice cream. As you work together on this project talk about the unity and goal that Christians have.
January 24

Today I invite you to imitate those who you are with. Encourage the group to think of all the qualities you appreciate about each other and replicate them as you do an activity, eat or hangout. After talking about the qualities you would like to imitate in others talk about the qualities of Jesus that we should imitate everyday.
January 31

Invest in a relationship today. Whether that be with your kids, parents or spouse. Plan to do something that you all enjoy and then spend time sharing things you are thankful for about each other. Thank God for the people in your life today!

February 7

Instead of just one activity for today I challenge you to do this practice all day long. During your work/school day I challenge you to ask people how you can pray for them and then passionately pray like Hannah did right on the spot. After work/school I challenge you to ask the people you are around during the evening the same question.