Fun Friday

People love to have fun and  in our times of fun we can shine the light of Jesus.  The goal of these weekly activities is to create relationships and opportunities to show the gospel of Jesus in our actions and our words.
This Friday's activity:
July 26

Do something with water today. Play with water balloons, on the lake, or simply enjoy a
nice refreshing glass of water with a friend. As you do that remember the promise of God to
never flood the world again and that he will bless all nations through Jesus!

Past Activities

January 5
It’s the first Friday night of 2024. Take the opportunity to spend quality time with someone else. While you are spending time with them asking them how they are genuinely doing and then take a moment to pray for them right on the spot. Remember to connect with them next week and check in to see how things are going
January 12
Host a trivia night tonight and create a round that is all about Jesus. After finishing that round ask your friends and family if the answer about Jesus made sense. Ask if they know Jesus as their Lord and Savior and if they don’t ask them what is keeping them from accepting as their Savior right now.
January 19
Have a bread making party tonight or deliver loaves of bread to some of your friends and neighbors. Isn’t it amazing how just a little bit of yeast can expand and make a big beautiful loaf of bread.  Use this gift of bread to be a way to invite someone into a life of discipleship together. Find a time weekly or a couple times a month to get together and expand the kingdom of God!
January 26
It’s Full Send Friday! Invite someone to join you at Full Send or watch the recording of Full Send Session #1. Afterwards talk about who or what you follow and what it would look like to fully follow God alone!
February 2
Let’s go play in the snow!  Whether you enjoy sledding, a snowball fight or just looking at the snow as you sit around the fire. Tonight let’s talk about snow with others.  When that first snowfall happens it brings a brilliant, pure white covering to the dreary landscape.  As you have fun in the snow tell your friends about the one who can make their life pure as snow.
February 9
Tonight I want you play something or go somewhere that you have to keep track of a score. To that game or activity the score that you count matters, but win or lose at the end of the night I want you to discuss what really matters. For a game maybe it just matters that you all had fun and enjoyed time together, but in life what matters is our relationship with Jesus Christ. Use this as a transition to talk about who Jesus is!
February 16
Tonight as we program our priorities I challenge you to invite people over for dinner and Bible Study. As we live into the values of prayer, discipleship and evangelism let’s use our time wisely. You can use these tools you learned this week or the curriculum we created around these tools or something else that is on your heart. Either way spend time discussing the word of God and helping others grow closer to Him!
February 23
Let’s have a pizza party tonight. Whether you order the pizza or make your own I invite you to ask some questions of those who are eating with you. #1 How much of the pizza pan do you want your pizza to cover? #2 How much of the pizza should be covered with sauce, cheese, toppings? #3 What are the limits to what you put on your pizza? Let this fun conversation lead you into expressing what the love of Jesus covers in our lives and what limits there are to the love of Jesus!
March 1
This one might cost you. Today I want to challenge you to do something hard. First, pray for an enemy or someone who has hurt you. Second, ask God to show you a way to show them love. Third, do what God lays on your heart. Maybe you will write a nice note, maybe you can give them a gift card to their favorite business, maybe you can call them up and say I’m sorry or I forgive you. Let’s have fun showing a high love for others that goes beyond the worldly standards.
March  8

In Ruth chapter 1 there is a lot of grief, sorrow, bitterness and a consequences. In the midst of this Naomi needed hope and we know that is only found in Christ. If you know someone who is hurting or has recently lost a loved one make an intentional priority to spend time with them and do something you know they enjoy. Show them the hope in the love of Jesus today!
March  15

Tonight is a night of provision! God has given to us so that we can give to others! There are people in your life that need your time… provide them a listening ear. Others need some encouragement… provide them with their favorite snack and some quality time. Do what God places on your heart for the people God places on your heart. Be a Boaz for someone today!
March  22

Today I invite you to ask someone to help you. This may be on a project, an errand or even making a plan. It may even be something that you can do on your own, but the goal for tonight is to have someone join you on the journey and use the time to share with them how Boaz helped Ruth and how Jesus helps us.
March  29

Today I invite you to pause at 6 am, 9 am, noon and 3 pm and remember the moments of that Friday. At 6 am Jesus was led to Pilate and then whipped and mocked. At 9 am the nails went in his hands and he was put on the cross. At noon darkness came over the whole land. Finally at 3 pm he breathed his last and the veil in the temple was torn. Have someone over for a meal tonight that includes bread and grape juice or wine. As you eat together talk about how this reminds you of the events of the first Good Friday.
April 5

Today sounds like a great day to go to the thrift store. Get together with a couple of friends and if you are up for an interesting night, challenge each other to pick out an outfit for someone else in the group. Then go enjoy dinner or an activity together afterwards. During the night bring up the idea of redemption and how Jesus has bought you back to be a part of His family!
April 12

Tonight let’s have some fun with darkness and light. Often in Scripture darkness is seen as a place apart from Jesus and we know Jesus is the light of the world. An option may be laser tag where you can talk about still getting attacked even though you are the light. Another option could be flashlight tag at home or in the backyard. Another option is learn shadow puppets and have a competition for who can make the best one. As you do something with darkness and light make sure to talk about the light of the world and how He saves us.
April 19

The Holy Spirit gave the early disciples the ability to speak the gospel in different languages. Today let’s learn John 3:16 or Romans 10:9-10 in another language. Pick another language that is spoken near you. In NW Iowa I would suggest Spanish or Ukraine.
April 26

Let’s live out Acts 2 and 6 today! Go have some fun today as you come together to study the Bible, pray, eat together, fellowship or meet the needs of someone else. I bet it’s even possible to do all of these things with a group tonight! Be the Church!
May 3

Tonight would be a great night to invite some friends to go to an escape room. After you have escaped your room take time and share with them the mission of the church and how we can accomplish that in the power of the Spirit!
May 10

Tonight we are going to have fun with water. Go buy a 24 pack of water and walk around town handing out water to people that you meet. If you want to write a little note and attach it to each bottle that shares the good news of Jesus. You can also share the compassion of God that sent a fish to save someone who was trying to run away from Him. Compassion for all!
May 17

Let’s have a fish fry tonight. Invite some friends to join you and spend time telling fish stories. While you are sharing fish stories take a moment to share the story of Jonah and how He cried out to God and how God answered and saved him.
May 24

It’s a great day to go for a walk. Get a group of friends together and walk around town or your neighborhood and purposefully talk about Jesus and what He has done for you. Take time like Jonah did to proclaim truth to the people around you and save them from the consequence of a Holy God!
May 31

Get outside today with some friends and family. Play some games, climb some trees, or go to the park. Enjoy and be thankful for the creation that God has made, just like the plant that was provided for Jonah. Show compassion to those around you and share the good news of Jesus with them!
June 7

Spend some time on the water with friends this weekend. Remembering that a person who meditates on the word of God flourishes like a tree by water. Flourish for Jesus!
June 14

Let’s give praise to God tonight. Join together with some people around a bonfire and share the things that God has done that you are thankful for. Then spend time praising Him through song either with instrument or off of your phone!
June 21

Tonight let’s spend time with someone that is hurting or broken. If you know someone who is grieving do something with them and walk with them through some of that grief as you listen to their heart. You can also go serve at a shelter or pantry and be a comforting smile to someone in need.
June 28

Tonight sounds like a great night to play a game of skill. Challenge someone to a game of chess or checkers and as you talk about the pieces and the game turn the topic to the king and ask them if they know the King of Kings
July 5

Let’s go for a hike tonight. Find a place to take a walk in nature and look at the majesty of God. Invite someone to join you and talk about how God is always watching over you and how you can call on Him at all times. Yes the God who cares about the grass on the ground cares deeply about you. He will never sleep or slumber
July 12

Seems like a great week to spend time in the creation of God and with the creation of God. Go on a hike, have a bonfire and look at the stars, or just simply go for a ride with the top down. Make sure to give glory to God for the beauty of His creation and help others see Him.
July 19

Invite a friend to join you in making some bars for law enforcers or pregnancy center volunteers and talk about those who are actively working with People who are dealing with consequences or deciding what choice to make in a situation. May the bars remind us of the bars of consequence that many people are behind because of their choices.
July 26

Do something with water today. Play with water balloons, on the lake, or simply enjoy a
nice refreshing glass of water with a friend. As you do that remember the promise of God to
never flood the world again and that he will bless all nations through Jesus!