Fun Friday

People love to have fun and  in our times of fun we can shine the light of Jesus.  The goal of these weekly activities is to create relationships and opportunities to show the gospel of Jesus in our actions and our words.
This Friday's activity:

How about we have a reveal party? No I’m not talking about a gender reveal, but how could you have a party that truly reveals who God is to your kids, to your casual Christian friends, or to your unbelieving friends. It’s time to reveal the kingdom of God to the people in our lives!

Past Activities

Let’s have some fun today or sometime this weekend! Invite someone to lunch, dinner, bowling, over for cards or whatever you love doing. The key for this is to grow a deeper relationship with someone and use your time and treasures to do that. Have a great weekend getting to know someone else better!
Find time in the next few days to connect with someone that is a different age than you. You could each share your favorite food, game, or an activity you enjoy. Do something fun together to build a connection between generations.
Take some time this weekend to serve someone else. Get a group together to scoop snow for others, collect food for a food pantry or serve a meal. Have fun putting others first rather than the desires of your flesh and eyes.
Is there someone you have not been close to recently or someone you have had an argument with? Invite them to do something fun this weekend and apologize where you need to and bring reconciliation. Use this weekend as a time to show the grace and mercy of Christ to someone else.
Set aside some time this weekend without a plan and invite someone along with you. Once you are together ask God what He wants you to do with that time. Have fun with friends by following the leading of God and not your own desires.
Invite someone to a local fish fry and talk about your favorite fishing story. Then talk about some of the stories about fish in the Bible and share with them the power of God through those stories.
I can’t think of anything more fun than worshipping with someone else.  Invite a friend to a Good Friday or Easter service.  Take time to talk about the truths you heard afterwards.
The weather is starting to get nice! Invite someone not from church to join you around the fire pit for a Friday night fire!
Be intentional this weekend about hanging out with someone that needs to know Jesus before he returns.  As you build this relationship look for ways to share the love of Jesus with them.
Intentionally invest in the life of someone else this weekend.  God has you at this place at this time for a reason.  The reason is to be used by him to help others grow in their faith.
Watch a Christian movie with a friend tonight and ask them about the message after you are done. If you need suggestions on what movies to watch please let me know.
Do this activity with some friends this weekend.  Share 2 truths and a lie about yourself and see if they can pick which one is the lie.  Share the stories behind the truths and why you chose the lie.  Challenge #2 is to seek scripture and share 2 truths and a lie about Jesus and then see if people can pick out the lie and then share the story behind the truths of Jesus!
Let’s go out to eat tonight!  Pay for someone else in the restaurant or the person behind you at the Tulip Festival. If they ask you why you did it, tell them that this Sunday you learned about Jesus paying the debt for your sin and wanted to pay it forward.  Then ask them what they believe about Jesus.
Get to know someone better today.  Have lunch, coffee, dinner or go out and do something fun with someone and ask them specific questions about life.  Ask them what they believe about Jesus.
Go have some fun tonight, but remember to ask yourself if what you are doing is bringing glory to God. Yes Christians can have fun and yes it must be something that honors God.  Be a light everywhere you go!
The last six weeks we have been reading the book of Galatians and talked a lot about stories.  Take time to connect with family and friends and tell stories.  Make sure to include stories of what God has been doing in your life lately and how you came to know Jesus!
Remember it is Thanksgiving in June. Invite someone over to join you for a Thanksgiving celebration with all the food, fun, fellowship and time of giving thanks! Are you thankful for Jesus? This might just be an easy way to share that with someone around you!
You are the workmanship of God. Take time this weekend to create something with someone else. Paint on a canvas, get the tools out or write a story or poem. When creating something make sure it reflects your new life in Christ and then share it with someone.
Go for a hike, walk or bike ride with someone today. As you are in the beautiful creation of God I want you to keep your eyes open to all the things that are rooted in the ground. As you marvel in the plants that God has made make sure you also express your thankfulness for the love of God that you are rooted in.
Go to goodwill or any thrift store with a group of friends and buy a new to you outfit for each other and then go out to eat or join us at a Friday night Fire. Have a conversation about putting on the new life in Christ and what it looks like to live a life worthy of your calling as sons and daughters of God.
It’s been 1 year of ministry for us at MRC!! Come join us at the Friday night fire and celebrate what God has done, is doing and pray for what God will do.  We will speak to each other in hymns, songs and spiritual songs around the fire as we give praise to God! Wherever you are at join together with fellow believers and give thanks to God this weekend!
Tonight let’s go for a walk. I’m not talking about a normal walk, but a walk that is intentional in prayer.  You can pray for each other as you walk and pray for the houses as you pass them. If you are walking on a trail pray for this world that God created and ask for boldness to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy.
Just as Paul met people at the river to pray, take a walk in God’s beautiful creation with friend, family member or neighbor and pray for each other and for the people or houses you pass.
Today I want you to do something fun with your friends that includes a light. This could be lazer tag, flashlight tag, having a bonfire, etc. As you have fun with light tonight make sure to be a light for Jesus and hold out His truth to those around you!
Tonight with your friends I want to challenge you to rejoice in the Lord. Maybe you talk about where you saw God this week as you are waiting for your meal to come at a restaurant or you can put on a worship play list as you are driving around together.  Remember there is nothing better than our God and we strive to follow Him in all we do. Let’s make Jesus the center of our activities!
What can you do to bless someone today? This could just be time together, paying for their dinner or providing something you know they need.  May we learn to rejoice in all circumstances and help others do the same for the glory of God!
Tonight I want to invite you to send a note or message to someone and give thanks to God for something you see in them.  Follow Paul in the first part of the letter of Colossians and give thanks to God for . . .  So go ahead and send a text, write a letter or send a card.  Have fun thinking about the people God has put in your life that reflect Him!
It is Labor Day weekend so invite some friends or family over for a cook-out. Step #2 I want to encourage you to remember that we are called to daily labor for Christ and so take the opportunity to turn your conversations to Jesus during the cook-out. We are often so ready to celebrate the achievements of humanity, but how about we celebrate what the only perfect man, Jesus, achieved for us.
Let’s play a game tonight. If possible I suggest either a trivia game or strategy game where you have to think about how you are going to win. While you are answering questions or strategizing to win I want you to ask and answer questions about faith. Maybe you will need to use some strategy, but I know you can do it through Christ who gives you strength.
Let’s be creative tonight and go buy some fresh fruit and make a fruit salad.  As you are making dinner together or for a group of friends I want you to think about how the fruit got to your table.  As you host your friends tonight for dinner take some time to sow the word of God through prayer and discussion.
Tonight I don’t have a specific activity to encourage you to do, but I encourage you to plant the seed of God’s word regardless of what you are doing or who you are hanging out with.  Remember God invites us to sow the seed and let Him worry about the growth.
It’s twin day. Go have some fun with friends tonight, but I challenge you to make sure that you check ahead of time that you are matching as you go out. Not only do I want you to twin with your friend in clothing, but I challenge you to twin with Jesus in how you act tonight. Check in with Jesus with everything you do and say tonight.
Tonight for our fun Friday I want you to do some work. Yes I invite you to work in the field of God and serve someone else this weekend. Pray that as you serve that you will be given the opportunity to share why you are serving so that you can give glory to God and share His love with those around you today!
Enjoy this beautiful fall day and go through a corn maze with a group of friends or family. As you find your way through the maze I encourage you to share how God helps you through the everyday twists and turns of life.
Invite someone out for dinner tonight. If you are able pick up the bill, but regardless of that take some time to share the good news of the gospel with them. Ask them about God and Jesus and share who they are to you. Make sure to pray before hand as you prepare to go into the harvest field.
Tonight I invite you to go to an escape room, do a scavenger hunt or play hide and seek with a group of friends.  Afterwards talk about being found by Jesus and ask people to share the freedom they have experienced in Jesus.
Everyone likes a bracket challenge. Tonight I want you to go and buy a variety of condiments and foods to go along with them. Invite some friends or neighbors over and set up a bracket of condiments and take it all the way down to the #1 condiment according to you. When they ask you why you are doing this talk to them about the mustard seed and the kingdom of God!
We do not know the day or the hour, so do something today that you have always said you would do someday but have never gotten to yet. Invite some people to do that thing with you and share with them why you chose to do it today and ask them if they know Jesus.
Today I invite you to go for a prayer walk. We talked this week about standing in agreement with God about sin and so I invite you as you walk and pray to repent if you hurt anyone who lives in the houses you walk by or stand with grace as you pass houses of those who hurt you.
I know it’s not Christmas yet, but invite some people over and give them a gift. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but take the opportunity to share with them the greatest gift ever given as you talk throughout the night.
Let’s make tonight game night. Play a game of connect 4, Ticket To Ride or another of your favorite games with friends and family. Throughout the night use the time to not just connect in relationship with your friends, but talk about being connected to God and where you saw Him working this week
Today I invite you to think of someone in your life that is struggling and go and bring some hope to them today. Maybe that is spending time with them, maybe it is bringing over a meal or maybe it is joining together in an activity. Let’s spread the hope we have in Jesus with those around us!
Make plans with a friend who doesn’t know Jesus or has walked away from the church.  Do an activity that reminds you of your relationship with them and then invite them to be renewed by the power of Jesus Christ.
Tonight let’s have fun with our hands and fix and restore something that is broken or in need of cleaning. Invite someone over to share in this activity and as you are both working to restore that item take the time to talk about how God restores us and brings us Joy!
How about we have a reveal party? No I’m not talking about a gender reveal, but how could you have a party that truly reveals who God is to your kids, to your casual Christian friends, or to your unbelieving friends. It’s time to reveal the kingdom of God to the people in our lives!