Breakout Topics

The topics of Youth and Sexuality will be offered all three breakout times with three distinct topics, while the other breakouts will just be one topic that will be repeated during two breakout times.

The STrength of Vulnerability

Amy Keahi

Have you believed that vulnerability equals weakness? In this session, we will look at what the Bible says about being vulnerable and then we will look at what holds us back from vulnerability and we will discuss what we can do to increase our own strength by becoming more vulnerable.

MOre Than just the words: Foundation of Prayer

Daniel Shafer

In this breakout we will discuss the attributes of prayer and how we can apply them in our everyday life to reach a Godly Fully Sent Life.

7 Tools For a Full Send Life

Jeremy Van Genderen

We all need reminders and encouragement to live faithfully for God. In this breakout we will look at 7 daily tools that are sent out by the Full Send Ministry team and how to best use those to help us grow and go  Fully Sent.

Meet Jesus on the Mountain

Jeanette Van Genderen

Want to live a life dedicated to pleasing God, a life full of love and grace, wisdom and discernment? Join me as we go through Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5 - 7. This session will show us how Jesus taught us to: live our lives, interact with others and live out our faith in a world who is watching us. Bring your Bible and find out the mystery behind Jesus’ seemingly strange words.

Biblical Sexuality Track

Brady Cone

Breakout 1: Biblical Sexuality: Re-Framing the Conversation: As Christians, when we see what the world believes about gender and sexuality, we often ask, "How do we respond to the world?" But, maybe we should be asking, "How do we respond in here?" Join Brady Cone in this session and he builds a biblical foundation for biblical sexuality.

Breakout 2: Biblical Sexuality: Lies the World Believes: In Romans chapter one, the path to homosexuality started with trading the truth about God for a lie. Join Brady Cone as we examine some of the lies the world is believing about sexuality and gender.

Breakout 3: Biblical Sexuality: Lies the Church Believes: The world doesn't have a monopoly on believing lies about sexuality and gender. Many of them have creeped into the Church also. Join Brady Cone as we examine many of the lies and mistruths that the Church has believed about sexuality.

Youth Track

Brad Van Genderen

Breakout #1  Joining the revival of evangelism that is occurring in our country
Over the past 2 years, God has been doing something incredible across the United States in the next generation. As this generation awakens to who God is and His love found in Jesus, students are coming alive and following Him with boldness and power. This generation is a part of a revival of people following Jesus that our country has not seen for 100 years. During this breakout we will be sharing tools on how we can all join the revival of evangelism in the next generation. This breakout will focus on encouraging us to believe that God has chosen us to be a part of sharing with others about Jesus. Whether you are an extreme introvert or an all out extrovert, this breakout will give practical tools for you to share Jesus with people.
Breakout#2 Creating a movement of disciples making disciples with too many generations to count.
Many of us believe that all people need to know Jesus and grow in their relationship with Him. If we are honest that goal seems pretty overwhelming and impossible. And it is, if we believe in the 1 + 1 additional model of evangelism or discipleship.  Longstanding movements are not sustainable when driven by an additional model, but when we change our mindsets and adapt a multiplication model to our evangelism and discipleship focus, anything is possible. This breakout will focus on providing interactive tools that equip a generation to make disciple who make disciples with too many generations to count. We will breakdown the impossible into easy to take next steps as we see and experience the reality of the priesthood of all believers.
Breakout #3 How do I hear God and know what He is inviting me into for my life?
Have you ever heard people talking about hearing God’s voice and wondered why you can’t seem to hear what He is saying? Have you ever sat in a classroom listening to a teacher asking yourself, what am I supposed to be doing in my life? Have you ever sat in your room or at work staring at the wall questioning is this all that God has planned for my life? We will give tools on how to hear God’s voice, lean into discerning what God is saying, and equipping people to discover God’s will for our lives. We will be having an interactive discussion on how to live a confident life of purpose as we live in God’s will for our lives.

Unforced rhythms of grace

Sam Ashmore

Have you ever been asked – “How are you?” - and you respond, “Busy. Good, but just really
busy. Life is crazy right now.” Does this conversation sound familiar? Are you constantly moving from one thing to the next? Do you feel like there is never enough time in the day? Are you overwhelmed, tired, or burdened by it all? Do you long for a different way of being in the world? Do you desire to give more of your attention to God, others, and even yourself? You are  not alone, and there is good news. Jesus has a different way of living and being in the world, and he invites you into it. Jesus says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matt. 11:28-30). What an invitation! This breakout will explore the rest, light, and ease Jesus invites His followers into. We will posture our hearts to receive the invitation, learn the pace and rhythms by which Jesus lived, and begin to build a set of rhythms and practices in our own lives that help us find rest in chaos, joy in difficulty, and a slower pace in our warp speed life.

The Lost Practice of abiding in Christ

Adam Evans

As I interact with people, counsel them, and disciple them I’ve noticed a common theme in many of their lives. I’ve also noticed a similar theme at times in my own life. So often, we trust Jesus for our salvation but trust ourselves for our sanctification. We may not verbalize that truth, but the way in which we live communicates that. We think to follow Jesus that we just have to work a little harder, be a little better, and do a little more. When in reality we aren’t called to do anything except bear fruit. However, that fruit only comes from abiding in Christ and staying connected to the vine. What does that mean? What does that look like? How do we do that? Join us as we look at John 15, and draw some tangible applications for our lives as we seek to follow Jesus and join Jesus in His mission.

Disagreement in the Church and how I show Up.

Mike Metten

How we handle anxiety and conflict in the church is a representation of our maturity in Christ. What it looks like to love one another in the midst of disagreement can cripple the church or if done right, cause the church and everyone in it to thrive.

Called to Co-labor with God in the River of Life 

Rachel Valentine

What does it mean to “Co-labor with God” and is it a tedious and ho-hum sort of life?  Have we been conditioned to a comfortably numb way of living?  Does God care about our hopes and dreams?  And what does the Bible actually SAY, SHOW, and CALL us to?  This talk will be especially tailored toward women but all are welcome.

Give Me Eyes to See

Karen Schumacher

I often pray, “Give me eyes to see others the way you see them, Lord.” I should also be praying, “Lord, give others eyes to see YOU in me.” In this session we will use the acronym EYES to explore how to: Explain (Share) the Gospel; Yearn (Love others the way God loves them); Example (Check our words, behaviors, egos so others can see God); and Stay (walk with the person no matter where they are in their walk.)